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Elisavet kapogianni, London Fashion Week street style 2019, Think Feel Discover

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Elisavet kapogianni, London Fashion Week street style 2019, Think Feel Discover

TERMS & CONDITIONS If you require any more information or have any questions about our Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us here These terms and conditions govern your use of this website; by using this website, you accept these terms and conditions in full and without reservation. If you disagree with these …

How important is the neutral colour of knitwear in fashion today? Explore your beauty soon, be creative now, still express your love for knitwear.

 How NEUTRAL color would you inspire today?

Is it about sensibility? Is it about emotions ?

Or is it about a need for real beauty ?

Are you ready to wear denim with knitwear now? Think new ideas in fashion, feel your denim style, discover who you are, who you want to be. Denim is life.

 Denim is IN fashion! 

Dare to wear your jeans and be unique. Be you!

Knitwear is today the key to make you feel great daily?


WELCOME to knitwear inspiration ! 
Is it about presenting yourself as real or being real?
How does knitwear affect a fashion stylist’s daily  look? 

How does light of the city influence your sartorial or casual look?

 Walk in the city! 

Let’s be open-minded and look cool! 
Life goes on ! 

Have your eyes open, think of the future now and discover Burberry, MAKERS HOUSE Sept. 2016

Burberry, The makers House Sept 2016 during LFW


Time for color harmony !
Dream of the past and draw your new journey in fashion !

How does Nature reveal the beauty of neutral colors for your daily way to dress?

Lola Officialgr, natural color street style by Think Feel Discover

 GOOD MORNING LONDONNEUTRALS keep the light!But what about Style?

What about looking for some inspiration in a blogger’s life during London Fashion week



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