How does Epifanios Skiathitis fashion style may reveal today your unique sense of personal style? Think now out of the box, belief immediately in creativity, original designs, a form of self-expression in fashion.
Every Friday that I’m sharing with all of you my personal view on fashion style I have the feeling that all our ideas of good taste ex-prime our passion for creativity in every aspect of our life. However, unexpected mixtures of fabrics, details, and patterns redefine the code of elegance.
On the other hand, every designer has a personal fashion style. That is to say, what was provocative or unexpected yesterday is in fashion today. In my eyes, that’s the ultimate value of fashion, a form of self-expression and creativity. Afterwards, Epifanios Skiathitis is a greek designer that keeps on creating his own style.
How do architectural forms inspire today a designer’s clothing collection? Finally, dare to think about it now, it’s time to discover it: do you really believe that the classic little black dress made by the designer Epifanios Skiathitis is it always in style?
For this Friday the classic little black dress made by Epifanios Skiathitis has challenged my idea of good taste. Thus, it is considered essential to those women, who do believe in the classic little black dress, which is never out of style.
Afterwards, It was really an honour for me to collaborate with the designer Epifanios Skiathitis. Epifanios was born and raised in Skopelos, but in the mid-1990s he came to Athens.
He started to work in the fashion industry in 2005. As a designer, he likes to experiment with patterns and shapes. Meanwhile, the main source of his inspiration is architectural forms. Likewise, the KEY detail for Epifanios Skiathitis clothing collection is that the textile is alive.
How does today a modern design concept make you sparkle with style? Does always the little black dress say it loud and make you immediately think, feel, discover your own style?
First of all, the idea is to wear a fitted little black dress that follows the shape of your body. Moreover, It is about a modern design concept, with original geometric influences. Secondly, original Lurex details and bronze colour shades create a unique fashion style. In the same vein, it’s a simple idea. In sort, say it loud and let yourself free to walk with style. So, rock with fashion and sparkle with style!